Thursday, November 12, 2020
4:00pm - 5:30 pm
There has been so much acceleration in technology this year, and these changes can affect the lens we view smart building technology through. As a group, we are advancing too, and many topics affect intelligent buildings' future.
We want to take the time to learn about what topics you believe will be essential to have conversations about. Please include your thoughts on issues you think our group should be paying attention to, preparing for, and addressing as part of your registration.
From your suggestions, we will build collaboration groups for brainstorming ideas as part of this meeting. After some brief housekeeping notes, you will choose the topic you'd like to join for conversation and collaboration. After 30 minutes, we'll come back together as a large group for sharing and additional dialogue. Our goal is to learn from one another and identify some focus areas for our group in 2021.